Every Academy student is backed by a strong network that recognises the person as well as the musician

Student wellbeing is critical. We want you to make the most of your time here and establish good habits that will help you in the future. Our courses are designed to develop your ability to thrive in the music profession and support your physical and mental health throughout your career.

We have a strong network of experienced staff to help you through your studies and we dedicate significant resources to this area.

Your Head of Year (for undergraduates), Tutor (for postgraduates) and Principal Study Teacher will give you advice and guidance. They are supported by your Head of Department and Head of Programme, and by the Dean of Students, Deputy Principals and Principal.

In all our courses, regular time is set aside to focus on the practical things that will help you frame your career, from entrepreneurial skills and forging your professional identity to maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle and dealing with the pressures that inevitably arise.

Heads of Year and Tutors

All Academy students are assigned a Head of Year (undergraduates) or Tutor (postgraduates) for the duration of their studies. Your Head of Year or Tutor is responsible for both your academic and pastoral welfare, so will usually be your first port of call if you have a problem or need guidance in any areas of your studies, including:

  • performance and academic options
  • timetabling
  • progress
  • any other aspect of your programme of study

Your Head of Year or Tutor will work closely with your Head of Department and teachers to monitor your overall progress.