Conductor and keyboard player Steven Devine holds the positions of Music Director of the New Chamber Opera, Oxford, and Principal Keyboard of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

He is also the Artistic Director of OAE's Bach, the Universe and Everything cantata series, Artistic Advisor of the York Early Music Festival, and Conductor and Artistic Advisor of the English Haydn Festival. He is a member of the groundbreaking electronic music group Art of Moog.

Devine has conducted productions for New Chamber Opera, Oxford (Dido and Aeneas, Artaxerxes, Tamerlano, Il mondo della luna, La finta semplice, Il re pastore, Le comte Ory, Erismena, Il Trespolo tutore, Il mondo reverso, Falstaff); Opera Restor’d (Peleus and Thetis, Pyramus and Thisbe) and Dartington International Festival (Orlando, Dido and Aeneas). He also recorded Dido and Aeneas with the OAE and Sarah Connolly in the title role.

On the concert platform he has directed the OAE; Academy of Ancient Music; BBC National Orchestra of Wales; English Haydn Orchestra; Trondheim Barokk; Norwegian Wind Ensemble; Victoria Baroque, British Columbia; Arion Baroque Ensemble, Montreal; Académie baroque européenne d'Ambronay, France; Mozart Festival Orchestra; and St Paul’s Chamber Orchestra.

Devine’s engagements as a keyboard soloist include Mozart with the OAE, CPE Bach with The Mozartists, recordings of Bach's Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, Italian Concerto and Goldberg Variations, and the complete solo harpsichord works of Rameau.

Image credit: Kate Mount