A close-knit and very active department, the Organ Faculty offers programmes for organists to study solo repertoire, hone technical skills and learn the crucial aspects of playing in a wide variety of contexts and styles.

Classes & activities

Department Classes
And Activities

Masterclasses and Performance Classes

Public masterclasses are a regular feature and a highlight of the calendar for our students. You will have the opportunity to work on specific repertoire with leading performers in the organ world. By contrast, Performance Classes are led by Academy professors offering you an opportunity to discuss and experiment with your interpretive ideas in an informal environment.


These classes held in groups with occasional individual coaching for the more advanced students. They are designed to introduce you to improvisation in both formal and free styles, and to enable you to develop an ability to express yourself through improvisation both liturgically and in concert

Performance Practice

An important aspect in the study of the organ and its wide repertoire, these classes provide an in-depth approach to national styles of organ performance are complemented by study trips to mainland Europe and overseas

Specialist Keyboard Skills for Organists

These classes are grouped based on experience and aural abilities and include preparation for RCO (Royal College of Organists) diplomas, score-reading and advanced aural training

Technique Class

This class helps you to overcome technical challenges in order to play as musically as possible and approach a variety of repertoire.


This series of lectures and site visits teaches you about the construction, design and mechanics of organs. We believe knowing how the organ is constructed and works is fundamental to knowing how to play it.

Choral Conducting: Organ and Church Music

Students are encouraged to attend teaching in the Choral Conducting department (as an elective), and to work with relevant Organ professors in other fundamental church musician skills.

Chamber Music

Performing with other musicians is a vital part of an organist’s development and is taken very seriously at the Academy. With the installation of the new organ in the Duke’s Hall, we can play repertoire requiring large instrumental forces.

Study Trips

Performance practice projects are supervised by specialists and frequently take the form of overseas visits where repertoire study is matched to a specific organ-building tradition. Recent trips have been to Hamburg’s St Catharinen and St Jacobi Churches, to Lübeck, Paris, Rouen, Toulouse, Southern Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain and to the historic organs of the Siebenbürgen in Transylvania.


Unique to the Academy, we offer a series of intensive classes designed to introduce the harmonium to our students.

Discovery events

Discovery Events are the perfect way to find out more about the Academy and whether it’s the right place for you.

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